Originally written June, 27, 2008
Now that our Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the words of the Second Amendment actually mean what they say, Obama and McCain have been asked to comment on their decision. McCain gave them a quick thumbs up. Obama’s response was a little more on the nebulous side, especially when contrasted to previous things he has said about gun control. Well, I would hate to see Obama foul this one up, lose the election and rob our country of all the change he was going to bring about, so cheer up! Your ol’ pal Bob is going to put his comments together in a way that even a Third Grader can understand!
Here we go! Obama’s position on gun control:
“I accept the clear right to bear arms, as put forth in our constitution. At the same time, I can understand the need for cities to restrict fire arms. On one hand, people have a right to carry guns but on the other hand, they don’t and this has always been my position. Nothing has changed. Not that I don’t believe in change. I do. And I will bring about plenty of change when I am elected. Just you wait and see! But my thoughts on gun control have not changed. I believe in guns but only in such a way that I don’t believe in them. On the one hand, you can hold a gun in your hand and on the other hand, you can only hold somebody else’s hand with your hand. I believe in hands. I always have. I believe in feet too. Not that I have put my foot in my mouth. Only my hand. And if we could reach our hands across the isle and promote unity, there would be no more crime and no more guns. But if you want a gun, you can have one. Just don’t ever shoot with it.”
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