Obviously, the most important question associated with abortion is the question of whether or not a human life has been taken. I have already written many articles on that subject, so today I wanted to address another injustice related to abortion, one seldom discussed or even thought about. People love to talk about “a woman’s right to choose.” Does this sacred right of choice extend to men as well? Do men have a right to choose whether or not to be parents? If a man marries a woman with the agreement that they are going to have children together, if she becomes pregnant and then changes her mind, does he have any say whatsoever? Is his right to raise offspring forever trumped by his mate, simply because he isn’t carrying the baby in his body? Think about this! They decide together to have a baby. She changes her mind. She now wants an abortion. The father may even think it’s killing. He may think his own child is about to be murdered! Doesn’t matter! And regardless of his moral considerations, this right that he thought he had, to be a parent, simply does not exist. The birth or abortion of the baby is none of his business. Or is it? If this same man gets a woman pregnant (in or out of marriage) will she not sue him for palimony if he refuses to take responsibility for the child? Would he be able to say, “Wait a minute. This pregnancy has nothing to do with me. It’s her body and her choice whether or not to bring Junior into the world. Is she wants him, let her take care of him.” He’d be laughed out of court.
A summary of today’s peculiar logic: While the baby is inside of the woman, it is hers and hers alone. Her property! The father has absolutely no say in the matter at all. But as soon as the baby is delivered, it automatically becomes the property and equal responsibility of both of them. Amazing what a difference geography makes, especially when that geography is a womb. If there is any consistency here, I fail to find it.
Once again, the taking of a life is the important discussion. But it bothers me that this supplementary issue is being shoved under the rug. If we are really going to be a society that brags about choice, we must look in the mirror and ask if this same choice is being offered to all. It certainly isn’t being offered to fathers. For that matter, the baby doesn’t get a whole of choice either.
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