Originally written: 11-4-08
When video came out of his pastor who spewed forth vile hatred in a church he attended for twenty years, Obama said he did not know his pastor was a racist. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When evidence was put forth that he helped a self professed, unrepentant terrorist raise funds for the indoctrination of college students, Obama said he did not know the man that well. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When we heard about his 12 year friendship with a Palestinian professor at Columbia University who supports terrorist attacks against Israel, Obama said he did not know the professor that well. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When asked to release records of his close association with the voter fraud group, ACORN, Obama said he was not involved enough to know them well. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When asked by a plumber about taxes being raised, Obama accidentally used a coded Socialist phrase, “Spread the wealth around.” If this Freudian slip had been committed by any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When asked if he would meet with anti-American dictators without pre-conditions, this time, Obama stepped out of character, proudly admitting that he would do exactly that. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
When Russia attacked Georgia, Obama asked both sides to show restraint. If this one thing had happened with any other candidate, he would have been out of the race.
AND NOW: A possible future!
Four years later, when Obama came close to finishing his first term as president, when America lost its ability to fight Islamo-Fascist terror and fell into economic depression, Obama said those things happened only because George Bush had been president before him. He then proceeded to run for re-election, and was taken out of the race.
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