“Gee, Bob, you really seem to have the life. When not teaching, you spend your time in a nice comfortable Starbucks, sitting in front of your laptop, either blogging or working on your radio show.”
Your partly, right because it is a good life, a life I am very grateful for and I thank God often, although certainly not as often as I should. Yes, it is a privilege to wake up in the morning and say to myself, “I can’t wait to go to work.”
I remember one of my high school teachers telling us, “Trust, me, I don’t care how much money you make or don’t make, the person who gets up each day excited about going to work is the successful person.”
On the other hand, nothing in life comes too easily. In order to acquire the kind of schedule where I follow my passions, I also had to put in many years of doing things I did not want to do. I have earned two degrees even though I never even felt like going to college at all. I worked my way through college with a couple of part time jobs and after graduation was employed for over twenty years by the same mission society. Although my experiences with this organization were mostly good, part of my job description included all kinds of meetings and conferences that I would just as soon have skipped.
Even now, in Starbucks, I share an internet access that is very finicky. Frequently, I am booted off line. And my blogs get posted to blogsites that are often unstable, making the posting process long and repetitive, especially if I forget to save along the way. And then there’s the computer itself, my own lap top. You see, to save money, I am one of those knuckleheads who bought a PC instead of a Mac. I have grown to love the computer PC about as much as I adore the political PC. At any time, my computer can freeze up on me and it generally takes several reboots to get it going again. And so, between the computer, the blogsites, and the internet connection, my work is not always the nonstop bliss that one would think.
I still love what I do. It beats flipping hamburgers even though I am often tempted to do the kind of flipping that a Christian should not be thinking about. If only my computer could talk: You would experience colorful words far more fun than my daily blogs. But I serve a merciful and forgiving God and that brings me full circle to my gratitude.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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