The Christmas hysteria continues. Now they are even getting freaked out at Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. A Jewish woman in North Carolina insisted that the song be pulled from a kindergarten concert because the word Christmas was in the song. I wonder if this woman takes Christmas Day off. Even if all offices are closed, there is always work to be done around the house or on your computer. Do people who object to this national holiday act consistently and refuse to take a personal vacation? Do they refrain from watching the football game, visiting family, etc.?
I mention the woman’s Jewishness for a reason. I too, am Jewish. It is true that I converted to Christianity but that was in college. I grew up as a kid both singing and listening to Rudolph and (although I viewed it as a fairly stupid song) I certainly didn’t feel that the government was going to arrest all Jews if the word Christmas was actually spoken at a concert, especially since everybody knew it was a Christmas concert anyway.
What are teachers supposed to do? “Now, kids. We have a holiday coming up and I guess we all know what it is, but nobody is allowed to repeat the name.”
Radio talk show host, Dennis Prager is also Jewish. I applaud him for saying over the air that the actions of this woman embarrass him as a Jew. He went on to mentiom that the composer of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is himself, Jewish! How’s that for a Christmas slice of Irony Pie with Cool Whip?
Most Americans absolutely love Christmas, even the ones who do not believe in Jesus. My advice to the five people in our country who get freaked out over this holiday: The holiday is a national one. If it is a national holiday, kids have a right to sing about it in school. If this bothers you, perhaps you should petition Congress to have the holiday discontinued. Oh wait! I just remembered who’s running Congress right now. Uh…Um…Never mind.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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