One of my favorite film comedies is the 1968 hit, Support Your Local Sheriff, with the affable James Garner. In one series of scenes, several hired gunslingers in a row try to gun Garner (the sheriff) down unsuccessfully. One bright, chipper morning, when Garner sees yet another gunman coming, he says in frustration and annoyance, “I sure am getting sick of all this.”
Lately, those words have described my own sentiment toward the double standards plaguing, not only our country, but our churches as well: The former is expected. The latter is inexcusable. But they both make me ill.
Yes, I sure am getting sick of all this:
-I’m sick of being told that those who want to keep marriage between a man and a woman, or those who want to protect our borders, are guilty of racism and hate while, those who truly serve an ideology of hatred, racism, Anti-Semitism, and female suppression, are defended because they are “the religion of peace.”
-I’m sick of hearing how the Left is the “party of choice” because they allow abortion, all the while speaking against the right to choose your own schools, cars, radio shows, food, drink, or decisions on how to spend your own money.
-I’m sick of Conservatives being labeled as “bad for the unity of our country” because they criticize President Obama, while Liberals under the Bush administration, informed us how patriotic “healthy dissent” can be. Media pundit, Bill Press recently spoke about this low time in our country due to the constant opposition to President Obama. But when Bush was president, Press complained so much, his moving lips could have powered the entire state of New Jersey for a year. Meanwhile, Obama continues calling Republicans “the party of no” for refusing to cooperate with his policies, knowing full well that when he was a senator, he and his fellow Democrats opposed George Bush at every turn.
-I’m sick of Nancy Pelosi offering patronizing lectures on “toning down the rhetoric” out of fear that it could lead to violence, referring exclusively to people who protested the health care bill, while this same Pelosi remains conspicuously silent when Black Panthers call for the death of white babies.
-I’m sick of the Left in general, accusing the Right of hate speech when their premier websites like Huffington Post and Daily Coz offer the most vile spewage ever to grace our land.
-I’m sick of hearing that’s it’s wrong to call Obama a Socialist when he himself campaigned on promises to redistribute wealth, hired Communist/Marxist Czars, took over high portions of the bank and auto industry, placed a moratorium on off shore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and passed a monster law that regulates our health care industry. Newsweek, incidentally, ran a cover story saying, “We Are All Socialists Now.” That was perfectly fine with Liberals, but when a Conservative says the same thing, he is guilty of “hate speech.”
-I’m sick of being told by Liberals that the only objection people can possibly have toward Obama is his skin color, when these very same Liberals literally pillaged the reputations of Condoleezza Rice and Clarence Thomas, who were defended (interestingly enough) by Conservatives, who supposedly cannot handle African-Americans in power.
-I’m sick of being told by fellow Christians that it is against the character of Jesus to speak harshly about public figures when this same Jesus was literally crucified for His willingness to speak harshly against public figures. Who had him crucified? The public figures.
-I’m sick of being told by politicians that invoking Christianity in public discussions of gay marriage or abortion violates separation of church and state, while these exact same politicians inform us with a smile that Jesus would be all for illegal immigration.
I hear you, Garner. I sure am getting sick of all this. We need a new sheriff in town. I just don’t care what color he is.
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