Originally written on July 18, 2008
There’s an organization called Californians Against Hate. They’re against hate the way Alexander was against conquest. Their current act of “non-hatred” is to call for a boycott on a San Diego hotel because the hotel owner is in favor of the marriage amendment to the California state constitution, calling for marriage to be limited to a man and a woman.
Strike another blow for tolerance. In the name of tolerance, this man’s opinion is being tolerated by an attempt to put him out of business. Well that’s nothing. It’s harmless and benign next to the round of imprisonments we will see when it’s someday against the law to speak ill of homosexual behavior. Let me explain how this Leftist logic works: You are to tolerate their view point. They need not tolerate yours. In fact, if you disagree with their view point, you will be accused of Hate Speech and made a criminal as a result of Hate Speech legislation. When will such legislation be signed? When Barrack Obama and the new congress take over our country in 2009! He promised change, didn’t he? And you thought the word change sounded so good. Did you stop for a moment to think about what kind of change this was going to actually be?
In the meantime, Californians Against Hate display their love, maturity and consistency,with the same kind of charm exhibited by a two year old attempting to control his temper tantrums! But don’t think of spanking. Soon that will be against the law as well.
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