Radical Muslims are very passionate about land, especially when they consider the land to be theirs and especially when they consider the land to be holy. Often, their definition of “holy land” merely means that at one time in history, Muslims were there. For example, Arab Muslims have no historical claim to the Biblical Holy Land prior to the 600’s when Mohammad introduced a new religion and commanded his followers to spread it with a sword. Should the Dome of the Rock be taken down from the Jerusalem temple mount, making way for Jews to rebuild a holy place that preceded Islam by some 1600 years, World War Three would begin.
Visiting the old city of Jerusalem, I not only saw the controversial mosque, I was also introduced to an unexpected sight, Muslim graves built right on Mt. Moriah at the entrance of the golden gate. Our tour guide explains: “Since Jews believe their Messiah will come to Jerusalem through this gate and since Jews also believe it is sacrilege to trample on a grave, these graves are intended to ward off the coming of the Messiah.”
As I approach the final few days of my Israel tour, I am increasingly grateful to my brother Paul and his wife Carol for giving me a guest room in a house that is already quite small. Whenever Carol needs something from my temporary place of residence, she politely asks, “Do you mind if I get something out of your room?”
“It’s your room, Carol, not mine,” I reply. Then, after reconsidering for a moment, I offer a revised statement: “Of course, in the time honored tradition of Islam, I guess it can be argued that since I placed my own items in this room, the room is now mine forever.”
We both laugh.. This one time, at least, the process seems funny. I wish it were funny all those other times in history.
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