November, 2008
Today Hamas announced that the cease fire is over. This sounds a bit strange to me inasmuch as rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel almost every single day for the last few years, beginning immediately after Israel turned that area over to the Palestinian authorities. This was after the Palestinians burned down all Jewish synagogues of Gaza. Militant Muslims get upset if a non-Muslim so much as touches the Koran. But I do not recall hearing any outcry around the world, either from Muslims or from the United Nations or from Jimmy Carter or from any of the Politically Correct, when Jewish synagogues were burned to a crisp. Even before Hamas took over the Gaza Palestinians, the benign, peace loving government of Abbas was firing missiles. The difference between the official Palestinian government and Hamas? Hamas is honest! They at least admit publicly that they view ALL of Israel as Palestinian territory, not merely the Pre-1967 borders. Abbas does not call for the complete elimination in so many words, but he’s a holocaust denier and to this day, Israel does not show up on Palestinian maps.
The current situation revolves around Israel cutting off supplies to Gaza with a promise that supplies will be returned only after the rockets stop launching. One might think this was a reasonable demand. But Israel is being condemned by the UN for being the aggressor, this same Israel who poured money into Gaza after withdrawing so that the Palestinians could finally be on “the road to peace” and have a state of their own. What did Gaza Palestinians do with the money? They used a good deal of it to build rockets. In fact, if we go back to the days of the intifada, we could ask a similar question: How did Palestinians obtain the guns and bomb making material that they used against Israel? They got it from Israel! As Israel withdrew from certain cities in the “disputed areas” she armed the Palestinians so that they could police themselves. They paid Israel back by blowing up buses with school children. This resulted in the United States putting even more pressure upon Israel to make peace. Resigned to the idea that a two-state solution was probably inevitable, Israel withdrew from more cities and started building a wall so that terrorists could not send suicide bombers over the border quite so easily. The Palestinians went ballistic! Israel was accused of obstructing the peace process by the United Nations. Are you catching this? If Israel cuts off supplies so that rockets cannot be built, she is obstructing the peace process. If Israel builds a wall to protect herself, she is obstructing the peace process. Those who fire the missiles and those who want to climb the wall strapped with bombs, are not obstructing the peace process. If it were up to me, I would advise Israel to stop giving back land to her enemies. She shouldn’t even give them one pet rock. Her enemies want to kill her and they will not be happy until that is accomplished. Israel, O’ Israel! What part of the word kill do you not understand?
Oh well. In any event, today it became official: The cease fire is over. Hamas is really offended today. Up to now, they’ve been bending over backwards, but no more Mr. Nice Guy. When the next missile fires from Gaza into Israel, please be aware that Hamas is extra mad!
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