It is fashionable today for people to sneer at the idea that God has a special plan for our country. With Independence Day in the wind, it might not be such a bad idea to ponder the association between God and America.
With the exception of Israel, there has never been a country with a history more unique than the United States. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the same day and this day was the 4th of July? At the very least, I would think that should give us a moment of pause. It’s either an amazing, random coincidence, or an indication that God is in control, not only of our nation’s destiny, but our individual lives as well.
But destiny means nothing without observing the object of such a sovereign plan, namely a country with morals and ethics in its DNA.
Of course, God has been known to abandon countries when they abandon Him. I miss people like Jefferson and Adams. I never met them, but oh, how I miss them, especially when I listen to the politicians we have in their place. You know who they are. I won’t spoil the moment by siting examples.
Happy 4th of July!
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