The liberal Presbyterian denomination PC (USA) has called for Israel to repent of its “sinful behavior” in the Middle East and stop the occupation of “Palestinian lands.”
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. This denomination, after all, has shown such respect for the Bible they claim to believe in. They, of course, have no sins to repent of even though they now insist that homosexuality is perfectly OK with God. Yes, they must have found some hidden meaning in God’s otherwise plain Bible. They make the words of Romans stand on their heads to support such a direct opposite of objective literary criticism, but that is the state of today’s liberal churches. Rather than being the salt of the Earth and the light of the world as Jesus calls us to be, rather than showing back bone and courage, they instead take their cue from our surrounding culture. By an amazing coincidence, liberal churches just happen to share all Politically Correct beliefs. This means that when I meet a “Christian” who is Pro-Choice, I automatically know his/her opinion on gay marriage and the Middle East, even though these would seem like three unrelated subjects.
Since the PC (USA) demonstrated long ago their utter inability to read scripture, naturally they would be unfamiliar with that first section of the Bible. You remember. It was called The Old Testament. It is the history of Israel. It shows how Jews inhabited that land for thousands of years. There has never been a people called “Palestinians” and the Jews are occupying nobody’s land but their own. If you do not believe this, I invite you to read the series linked below.
PC (USA) Gotta love them! I guess PC is the operative part of that title.
Also by Bob Siegel:
The Truth About Israel and Palestine