Rosie O’Donnell defending Helen Thomas can be likened to President Obama’s “proof” that he did not try to bribe Rep. Joe Sestak because the currier of his offer was none other than that paragon of truth and virtue, Bill Clinton. Unfortunately for Helen Thomas’ rescue, Rosie’s loose cannon mouth has a reputation of its own.
From Pulse Media: June 11, 2010
Rosie O’Donnell defended Helen Thomas Wednesday on her radio show, arguing that Thomas’s comments about Israel were not as offensive as the reaction to them suggested (h/t Radio Equalizer via Mediaite).
Thomas retired after her legendary career as a White House correspondent after a firestorm over her comments that Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine” and that Jews in Israel should return to Germany, Poland, or the US.
“Now, I think, in the year 2010, what she was saying was not, ‘Go back to the ovens,’” O’Donnell said of Thomas’s comments. “What she was saying was, the homeland was originally Palestinians’ and it’s now occupied by Israel and Palestinians should be afforded human and civil rights. That’s what I think she was saying, but I don’t know.”
Well Rosie, offensive as places like Germany and Poland might sound to people who survived the Holocaust, I too doubt that Helen Thomas wanted Jews to go back to the ovens. But you are also defending her drivel about how Palestinians lived in the land first and are presently occupied by Israel. As I mentioned in a previous article, the Jews have inhabited that land for thousands of years and there has never been a country called Palestine. The people currently calling themselves “Palestinians” are Arabs and Arabs never arrived in the Holy Land until after Muslim Jihad expansion. They live under Israeli “occupation” only because they cooperated with six different Arab countries attempting to annihilate Israel. Israel’s gestures since then toward a separate state have been rewarded with terrorist attacks. Ever since the independence of Gaza, thousands of missiles have been fired at Israel. The peaceful “Palestinians” do not believe in a two state solution. Their understanding of sharing the land is that Arabs can live on the surface and dead buried Jews may live below.
And so, unfortunately, Thomas’ ignorance of the Middle East is only being amplified by somebody every bit as ignorant.
Hmm. If we could get her to expand the subjects a bit, I wonder if we might hear these other defenses from Rosie O’Donnell:
-The poor southern states were illegally occupied by the Union, simply because the Union had to impose their own morality on matters like slavery, which after all, had been settled by that landmark Supreme Court decision, Dred Scott.
-The evil rebellion of Spartacus caused the death of many Roman citizens simply because he could not bring himself to cooperate with a harmless sport like gladiator games.
-The evil Hebrews are responsible for ten plagues that almost wiped out the peaceful Egyptians, simply because Pharaoh did not want to release Joseph’s children from the Egyptian worker’s union and we all know how sacred a worker’s union is.
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