Comedy Central’s controversial decision to feature a weekly cartoon show about Jesus Christ continues to make news. The show is entitled, J.C. I wonder how many hours around the board room table it took to come up with that name. One can almost faint in the light of such brilliance and sheer genius.
I have been asked for my view point as a Christian. Allow me to be as simple and as clear as I possibly can. I could care less if they want to do a cartoon about Jesus. It does not affect my faith even an iota.
The issue for me is one of consistency. When South Park featured a cartoon adaptation of Mohammad, Comedy Central caved into vicious Muslim threats and censored the episode. If somebody wanted to be honest, admit their cowardice and say, “I guess this religion called, Christianity, which we seem to enjoy ridiculing, is not such a bad religion after all. We certainly do not worry that Christians will put a Jihad out on Comedy Central,” then perhaps we can cut Comedy Central some slack.
Instead, I’m sure we’ll be treated to comments about how tasteful their new Jesus cartoon will be. They might even include some moralizing in which Jesus teaches that all religions are equal because all men are brothers who should join hands to sing Kumbya. You know, accurate New Testament theology.
Actually, I have a better idea. How about a cartoon that features the hypocrisy of Comedy Central executives? We can call it, H.C.
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