Originally published by San Diego Rostra: 6-2-10:
Once again, the United Nations has condemned Israel. These condemnations carry so much credibility from an organization that once had Syria on its security council and Libya on its human rights council. Iran was also nominated for their human rights council.
Why anyone would care about the opinion of a morally bankrupt United Nations, I’m sure I don’t know. The prophet Isaiah warned against calling good “evil” and evil “good,” so I will concern myself with the opinion of God, not the opinion of an institution that would better serve our fair planet if it were turned itself into a public toilet.
The latest spin is that Israel massacred some “peaceful humanitarians” aboard the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, a floating band of brothers who wanted to do nothing but bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. It almost brings a tear to my eye.
Fact: The flotilla of six ships was organized by the IHH Turkish group, which has ties to Al Qaeda.
Fact: Ever since Israel abandoned Gaza so that the Palestinians could have the beginning of their own state, literally thousands of rockets have been fired into Israel.
Fact: Gaza is run by Hamas, a terrorist organization that brags about its intention to annihilate Israel.
Fact: Hamas was elected into power by the “poor helpless Palestinians.”
Fact: Even before Hamas, the complete destruction of Israel was called for in the Palestinian Charter and such words have never been removed.
Fact: Israel has been intercepting these flotillas of humanitarian aid because in reality they supply Gaza with lethal arsenals to be used against Israel. Thousands of Iranian weapons bound for Gaza have been intercepted in the past. Any legitimate food, medicine, etc, has been sent on to Gaza by Israel and Israel herself has delivered much of its own humanitarian aid to Gaza including, literally tons of food, water, medical supplies and fuel. They are rewarded by rockets.
Fact: The flotilla in the news this week was filled with men chanting “Oh, Jews! The army of Mohammed will return!” Does this sound like the chanting of peacemakers? I doubt that lyrics calling for the destruction of Israel will ever be confused for Kumbya.
Fact: During a search aboard the Mavi Marmara, IDF forces discovered a cache of weapons including knives, slingshots, rocks, smoke bombs, metal rods, sharp metal objects, sticks and clubs, 5KG hammers, firebombs and gas masks.
Fact: When Israeli soldiers boarded the ship, they were attacked with clubs, iron poles and knives. One Israeli solder was also pushed overboard. And yet, if you have heard that such “primitive weapons” were all the Turkish boats contained, you have been listening to lies. They also had guns and they fired upon the Israelis. All this happened before the Israelis finally retaliated.
Fact: Israel has identified fifty passengers on the boats with terrorist links.
Fact: Nothing, and I mean nothing that you’ve heard about Israel in our mainstream media is true. There is no illegal occupation of Palestine and no legitimate Arab claim to the Holy Land. I would never make such a statement without documentation. Please read my 12 part series: The Truth about Israel and Palestine.
CONCLUSION: Had today’s liberal, elite media been around during World War Two, we would have learned that the peaceful Germans retaliated against the Jews only after the Jews occupied German ghettos illegally, took over their banks, and killed many innocent Germans. Actually, there was a news outlet in those days spinning such a tale. It came from a man named Goebbels. Lies about the Jews always precede new holocausts. Be on notice.
Bob’s Blogs On Israel & Palestine
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