Originally published by San Diego Rostra: 5-26-10
My favorite verse in the Bible says, “God so loved the world, He didn’t send a committee.” OK. That verse isn’t actually in there, but it should be.
You just have to love committees. They always make such terrific decisions and these days the Politically Correct influence brings about even wiser projects. Case in point: A New York community board has given permission for a new mosque to be built only a few blocks from Ground Zero. Even if I believed the conventional talking points that Islam is actually a benign religion, hijacked by a few nut cases, (which I don’t) one should still marvel at such blatant insensitivity to the thousands of families who lost loved ones in the name of Islam regardless of how Muslims insist on describing themselves as “the religion of peace.”
In any event, the specific Muslim cleric pushing this project is, Feisal Abdul Rauf, who wrote the book, What Is Right With Islam in which he defends Sharia Law and insists that Americans should accommodate it.
Says Rauf, “The American political structure is Sharia compliant…For America to score even higher on the ‘Islamic’ or ‘Sharia’ compliance scale, America would need to do two things: invite the voices of all religions to join the dialogue in shaping the nation’s practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws.”
Is this a moderate form of Islam? No, this is a stone’s throw from true Islam, extremely consistent with the Koran’s commands to spread Sharia Law over the entire Earth (Surah 9). How ironic, the same voices that freak out every time a Christian sneezes outside a church building and scream “Separation between church and state,” change their tune with the religion that really does insist upon religious laws. After 9/11, Islam became the Politically Correct religion, and it took the deeds of self-professed Jihadists’ murdering 3000 of our people to inspire such Political Correctness, bless their little hearts.
Now, it is against the law in Canada to speak against Islam. They call it Hate Speech. Oh yes, and in England they no longer teach about the holocaust at public schools because too many Muslims (who deny the holocaust) are complaining. And God forbid any of our state universities should challenge students to consider Israel’s side these days. Not a chance. Instead, we have to hear about the plight of the “poor Palestinians” the only reason, incidentally, that Muslims go on Jihads. Surah 9 supposedly has nothing to do with it. I have been speaking on college campuses since the 1970’s. This special grandfather clausing of Islam never took place until after 9/11. Why? Because if Muslims didn’t have good, justifiable reasons to murder Americans, then there must be such a thing as evil in the world, and heaven forbid us from taking such a backwards step as believing in evil again. Evil does not exist. (Oh, wait. Yes, it does exist if we are talking about evil Republicans, evil Israel, or that horrible George Bush. But aside from these few things we mention, evil does not exist.)
What’s next? Shall we put up a statue honoring Emperor Hirohito at Pearl Harbor? How about a plaque to German nationalism and the master race somewhere on the beaches of Normandy? Or maybe a shrine to Jefferson Davis next to a Union Civil War memorial. Perhaps the Greeks can give a giant horse to the people of Troy. Oops! Silly me! That one already happened. It seems history is about to repeat itself.
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