Originally published by San Diego Rostra: 5-18-10
A street preacher in Cumbria, England was recently arrested. His crime: Saying that homosexuality is a sin. I have news for you: According to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1). Maybe you don’t believe in the Bible but is belief now going to be mandated by law? The police officer approaching the man asked if he was expressing homophobia. The minister answered no and explained that a homophobe was one who hated homosexuals. He did not hate homosexuals but he was not going to compromise scripture either. As a matter of fact, homosexuality had not even been talked about in the sermon. It came up later in a conversation with a gentleman who had been listening. None of this mattered. The police officer quoted a law called Section Five, Public Order Offence. He then arrested him.
Years ago, when I pastored a campus church, I used to warn my parishioners that the militant gay activists (although not speaking for the entire gay community) were not going to be satisfied with equality but instead wanted to see the day come when speaking against homosexuality was against the law. Such an agenda distances them from the “tolerance” they always ask for.
Not all of my parishioners bought into what I was saying. Many found my warnings negative and pessimistic. And then, in recent years, due to the large readership of my blog, I have been called “hate filled” and accused of trying to spread fear. But not too long ago, one of my church members from the past said, “Bob, everything you warned us about is happening.”
This incident in England is nothing out of the ordinary. It has been a hate crime in Canada for years now to speak against homosexuality and America is headed the same direction. A recent Hate Crimes bill was expanded to include culpability even of those whose speech might have inspired violence against homosexuals such as some maniac listening to his pastor’s sermon and then doing things his pastor would never have asked for or dreamed about.
Advise for my fellow Americans: It is time to stop worrying about being called homophobic or intolerant. You would be far wiser to spend your concerns on the protection of free speech. I don’t even care what your view is of homosexuality. Maybe you condone the practice. Maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter any more. We have traveled light years beyond that conversation. This issue is now freedom of speech. Either you believe in freedom of speech or you don’t. It’s just that simple.
The preservation of free speech will not be an easy one inasmuch as our president recently described information as a “distraction” and is encouraging the FCC to start regulating the internet. Be that as it may, I will continue to speak out for speech just as long as I possibly can. I implore you: Join me. Whether you are a Christian or an atheist, whether your are conservative or liberal, whether you are gay or straight, join me, before it’s too late.
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