Originally published by San Diego News Room, May 14, 2010
There’s no delicate way to put this: Attorney General Eric Holder is a disgrace and should step down immediately.
While I’d like to be merciful and claim that Holder only embarrassed himself once this week, the truth is, he is failing our country on several important issues. Let us first examine the new Arizona statute, which simply allows the state to enforce the federal law regarding illegal immigration.
Holder’s comments on this controversial matter display the classic example of what King Solomon warned us in a proverb thousands of years ago, “The fool isn’t interested in learning, only in expressing his opinion.”(Proverbs 18:2)
While speaking before the House Judiciary Committee, Holder flat out admitted that he had not even read the law: “I’ve just expressed concerns on the basis of what I’ve heard about the law. But I’m not in a position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with people who are doing the review, exactly what my position is,” (Washington Times, May 13, 2010)
Of course, such ignorance hadn’t stopped Mr. Holder from going on NBC’s Meet the Press to express grave concern that the Arizona law “has the possibility of leading to racial profiling.” On the same program, he called the law “unfortunate” and questioned its constitutionality.
It was also in front of the House Judiciary committee that Holder squirmed in his seat when asked if the recent New York bomber was motivated by the ideology of Radical Islam
Said Holder, “There are a variety of reasons why people have taken these actions. We’re in the process now of talking to Mr. Shahzad to try to understand what it is that drove him to take the actions that he did.” (Weekly Standard, May 13, 2010)
Mr. Holder, your job as Attorney General is to keep our country safe by enforcing our laws. Part of winning a war is correctly identifying our enemy. The Muslim Extremists have no trouble whatsoever admitting just exactly what motivates them. They quote from the Koran (Surah 9) and they openly declare war, not only on America, but all infidels.
I was skeptical about Holder from the start. One of his early comments after being appointed was that “American needs to have a serious conversation about race.” (Speech before Department of Justice, Feb 18, 2009)
Those insightful words were delivered right after we elected our first African American president. Not that I thought our country needed to prove that we had already abandoned racist ideology long ago. But this was the liberal litmus test: “Hey America, are you finally going to rise above your racism and elect a black man?” Well, we did. And then, the first thing we heard from our new Attorney General was that we were still a racist country.
When I listened to that statement, I did not have very high hopes for a public figure who would activate his mouth before booting the hard drive on his brain. Holder’s further musings about immigration law and terrorism have only confirmed my initial suspicion: We have an Attorney General unqualified in so many ways, there probably isn’t a calculator that could count them all
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