Originally published by San Diego News Room, May 10, 2010
It sure is fun to watch the evolution of this week’s biggest news story: Another attempted terrorist plot on New York City. At first the survalence cameras revealed (seemingly) a white male. Main stream commentators and Politically Correct politicians siezed this piece of information like a glass of lemonade in the desert. At last, a terrorist who is not from Al-Qaeda! It’s an American this time. Maybe even a conservative! Circle the wagons!
CNN Terrorism analyst Peter Bergen offered the educated guess that this man was a “right-wing” terrorist.
Of course the Taliban claimed responsibility two days before Bergen’s brilliant assessment:
May 2, 2010 Associated PressCAIRO, Egypt – “The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the failed car bomb attack in Times Square in New York City.
In 1 minute video allegedly released by the Pakistani Taliban, the group says the attack is revenge for the death of its leader Baitullah Mehsud and the recent killings of the top leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq. Images of the slain militants are shown as an unidentified voice recites the message. English subtitles are at the bottom of the screen.
The video was uncovered Sunday by the U.S.-based SITE intelligence Group, which monitors militant websites.”
Once again, please note the date of the Associated Press story, May 2nd, because another well known figure also opened his mouth after this report. On May 4th, Katie Couric of of CBS Evening News interviewed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg seeking his insight into the potential trajedy: Bloomberg’s unchallenged comments ought to make any American ashamed of journalism and politics at the same time. Bloomberg figured the suspect was:
“Home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill…”
But when it turned out that Faisal Shahzad was indeed a Muslim who received his training in Pakistan, our faithful media was thrown into a tailspin. MSNBC commentaror, Contessa Brewer offered a personal lament on Stephanie Miller’s radio show Tuesday May 4th, after it was discovered that the would be bomber was Pakistani American. “I get frustrated…There was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country.”
On the same network, Dylan Ratigan expressed concern for American Muslims on the heels of the Times Square event: “How do you deal with these types of crimes without resulting in racism, effectively, towards people of Pakistani or Middle Eastern descent?”
Then, Robert Baer, Former CIA Officer , now an MSNBC anaylist, brought us full circle: “You’re gonna see the Tea Party being, you know, being strengthened. You’re going to see people blaming the White House for a situation it didn’t create.”
How shall we sum this up? When the mainstream media concluded (based on disinformation) that the bomber was white, pundits and anchors were just salivating for a chance to exhibit “home grown” terrorism. You know; the right-wing kind. Unfortunately for Political Correctness, the attempted murder came once again from the very same people who make no secret about the war they have declared on America, Islamo- Terrorists. Be that as it may, the flexible, adaptable media found a way to resurrect their P.C. spirit after all. Now they fear racism toward Muslims (even though Islam is a religion and not a race) And who, pray tell, are the potential racists? Those nutty right-wingers; the people who might have (but didn’t actually) set off the bomb. The smaller the straws get, the more they grasp for them.
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