Thursday, April 17, 2008
Obama may not be our next President after all. But he is destined to go down in history as a kind of phenomenon. He’ll be known as the Pied Piper whom people almost elected until they discovered who he really was.
The shoe just keeps dropping. It seems each and every day we learn something new. Now it turns out that his connection with the NAZI, Louis Farrakhan is not merely a surrogate familiarity through his ex- pastor, the warm, lovable Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Indeed, Obama himself was there in Washington participating in Farrakhan’s million man march. (Never mind that only several thousand showed up. Obama was still there) How a man who sympathizes with a NAZI demagogue, still thinks his ideas can unite the country is about as perplexing as..oh… who befriends a confessed, unrepentant terrorist, like Bill Ayers. I’m not sure any of this should surprise us since Obama long ago promised to sit down and talk with the vile, Ahamadinnejad. I guess that didn’t matter, not so long as Obama also promised change. But now, it seems people are actually paying attention to the man’s resume’.
Perhaps Obama’s greatest challenge to date is his recent speech in San Francisco where he mentioned that bitter people turn to religion and guns. The fallout comes in part from the fact that both are protected freedoms under the First and Second Amendments and some people in our country actually believe in the constitution. Not to mention that a few of us can think of one or two reasons for religion and guns other than bitterness. How about, oh…faith and a love for hunting (just to name some off the top of my head for a moment) or…gratitude before God and a desire to protect one’s family?
Now, in all fairness, Obama explained his remarks. (He seems to be doing that a lot lately) The explanation took place successively over a series of different speeches. Here are the cliff notes:
“I deeply regret it if my words offended anyone. I could have phrased that better and I have nothing but respect for religious people yet, at the same time, I did speak the truth and everyone knows it’s the truth so give me credit.”
You just keep explaining, Obama. That’s what you do best. And while he explains, McCain laughs all the way to the Oval Office. Obama’s “apologies” are like Trojan Horses with further insults and defenses hidden inside, waiting to spring forth like a Jack in the Box. Hmm…Jack. Maybe he should be President. At least when he promises change, he delivers. Nothing like that new Sirloin Burger.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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