Murphy’s Restaurant Law Number One: The longer it takes them to bring you your order, the more it proportionately increases the odds that it will be made wrong when you finally get it.
Murphy’s Restaurant Law Number Two: When the hostess says, “I’ll be right with you,” it means she will NOT be right with you. If she was really going to be with you soon, she would not have needed to say anything. What she is really saying is; “I just acknowledged your presence so you”re going to be cool, aren’t you?”
Murphy’s Restaurant Law Number Three: When you ask the waitress to check on your order and she returns saying, “It’s coming right up,” or “It’s cooking right now,” that means they forgot all about it. Had you not asked, your order would have been as lost and forgotten as King Solomon’s Mines. After you brought their attention to the situation, they panicked and quickly threw it on the grill.”