Originally published by San Diego News Room: 10-29-09
What did we hear from the left non-stop for seven of the eight years former President Bush was in office? “Iraq was a distraction. The real threat was in Afghanistan! We took our eye off the ball. Our war was with Al Qaeda!”
First of all, none of that is true. Our war is not simply with Al Qaeda. It is with Militant Islam. Maybe you don’t believe we had any right to declare war on them. It doesn’t matter because they have declared war on us.
Militant Islam is represented in many different terrorist organizations–not simply Al Qaeda. President Bush (rightly so) said we were coming not only after terrorists but all countries who harbor them. This included Iraq. Although the 9/11 Commission determined that Saddam Hussein did not participate personally in planning 9/11, they also concluded that he was connected to Al Qaeda. Many of the insurgents who attacked our soldiers in Iraq were from Al Qaeda. We even intercepted a memo from one Al Qaeda operative to another, stating how important Iraq was to their cause. The historical revisionist spin denies these facts and reinterprets the 9/11 Commission finding to say that Iraq was uninvolved with Al Qaeda, a downright lie.
Meanwhile, it’s not as if we didn’t go into Afghanistan first. We went there immediately after 9/11 and swiftly displaced the Taliban. No, we did not find Bin Laden, but that is only because our “friend” Pakistan has been allowing him to hide. Besides, this idea that if we find Bin Laden, the war will be over, is nothing but naive, uninformed nonsense. Don’t get me wrong: I want to see Bin Laden taken out, but the day he dies, thousands will be in line to take his place. I assure you, the war will be far from over.
To those who kept lecturing us about Afghanistan, as if it were the only valid war: Why are you now putting pressure on President Obama to discontinue the war in Afghanistan?
Originally published by San Diego News Room: 10-29-10
As a general rule, it seems the left is against any war America fights. Yet, these same “doves” will support the right of the Palestinians to wage an infantada against Israel. And when Ahamadeinnjad threatens to annihilate Israel, we do not see any peace demonstrations from the left. But, they would march in a heartbeat if Israel or America took out Iran’s nuclear capability with an air strike. The brutal oppression of Castro and Chavez doesn’t seem to keep them up at nights either.
I am not a pacifist, but I can respect a true pacifist, for that person will consistently protest evil wherever it is found. Also, theologically consistent Christian pacifists do not go in for that moral equivalency drivel. They do not believe stopping violence is evil, but instead explain that it is not their specific job as Christians. For example, they know we need police but they themselves will not become policemen. They simply believe God has a different job for them. Therefore, they see a difference between a terrorist using violence and a terrorist being stopped by violence. Genuine pacifists are not those who cherry pick causes to the point where (by an amazing coincidence) Israel and America are the only bad guys in the world.
Was Afghanistan the valid war? Then support it. Either that, or admit that you are against any war waged by America, or, more correctly put, any war that promotes America’s vital interests.
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