Originally published in San Diego Rostra, 4-10-10
Obama just made the planet a whole lot safer by deciding not to call our enemies “Radical Muslim Extremists” anymore. The idea is that he doesn’t want the peaceful Muslim nations to think we are viewing them all through the same lens.
Whew! That’ll do it. Can you just hear people all over the world breathing a sigh of relief? Gosh, that Obama is a nice guy. It sure turned Iran around. That’s why Ahamadinnejad had such kind words for our president last week.
At the risk of making the understatement of the century, terrorists themselves brag about the fact that they’re Muslims obeying the Koran. But let’s not call them what they call themselves. Because if we do, we will lose the love and respect of so many Muslim countries.
Ok. I’ll be merciful for a moment and put aside the fact that many Muslim nations harbor terrorists. I’ll also overlook the fact that some of our “ally” countries like Saudi Arabia have been caught funding terrorists.
Neither will I dwell on the truth that even Muslim countries which do not promote terrorism nevertheless treat the non-Muslim inhabitants of their land with experiences that will never be mistaken for a day at Disneyland.
Despite all this, there are certainly Muslims in the world who want to live in peace. This is because they are either unaware of what their own Koran teaches regarding Jihad, or are instead playing word games and reinterpreting it. But whatever the reason, yes, peaceful Muslims exist and those of us who use phrases like “Radical Islam” or “Islamo Fascists” actually do so to make a distinction between the terrorist organizations and other, more benign, Muslims. Nobody during World War Two believed all Germans were Nazis but we did not shy away from the word Nazi. Both the title and its meaning provided an accurate description of an enemy intent upon destroying the free world. Yet, now, according to the Obama administration, even this distinction between good Muslims and bad Muslims is not enough. He doesn’t want us using any negative language at all if it involves Islam.
Hmm. What then shall we call these gatherings of people determined to kill us? Should we use the label Hindu Terrorists? No, that wouldn’t be accurate. Wrong religion. But then, we can’t use the right religion either. Man, this is tough! OK. How about just terrorists? Actually, Obama doesn’t like that one either. That’s why he already dropped the phrase “War on Terror” in favor of “Overseas Contingency Operation.”
Hey, I have it! Let me just toss this around and see how it floats: How about “Band of Middle Eastern Brothers Who Travel The World In Obedience To The Command To Secure 72 Virgins For Themselves In the Next Life?”
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