From Fox April 7, 2010
“A Tennessee school board has decided to postpone its decision on banning a textbook after a father told the board, its ‘bias’ against Christians.
Kurt Zimmermann is appealing a Knoxville school district’s decision to keep the book. He says the textbook used in his son’s biology class cites creationism as a “biblical myth.” According to reports, Zimmermann requests, ‘non-biased’ textbooks be used. In his words, the current textbook’s phrasing misleads, belittles and discourages students in believing in creationism and calls the Bible a myth.”
I have only a few brief comments to add. What ever happened to “separation between church and state?” True, those words are not actually found in the constitution but for the moment, I have no wish to confuse anyone with facts. Supposedly, discussions of religion do not belong in the classroom. At least, that’s what those who coin “separation” always tell us. So how come the separation doesn’t work both ways? If a discussion of God or of Genesis is inappropriate for a secular school, then please show an ounce of consistency and stop talking about it. Or do people want to claim some inherent right to teach the falsehood of Christianity, all the while denying that this same freedom of speech extends to those who would defend the Bible? That makes about as much sense as…Well, actually, it makes about as much sense as everything else going on in our country lately.
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