Originally published by San Diego News Room 1-11-10
Well, Christmas is over and Congress plans to deliver a belated Christmas present–health care reform. True, it’s a gift most Americans do not want, according to one poll after another. (A recent Rasmussen poll shows 52 percent of Americans in opposition.) Congress doesn’t seem to care. Those who predicted that the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would eventually listen to the will of the people are dropping their jaws with amazement. For myself, I see no surprises here. After all, they ignored the volcanic reaction of 2009 that rallied crowds too big to accurately count in a new phenomenon nicknamed, “Tea Parties.”
They also licked their wounds after taking it on the chin from one Town Hall meeting after another. Such gatherings also had record turnouts, and an extra-added twist, frank boisterous questions, leaving many politicians shocked, caught off guard, and just downright depressed. Other elected officials, noticing a pattern, decided to skip town hall meetings altogether.
But if Senators and Congressmen are forgetting their constituents, that does not mean their constituents will forget them in the November 2010 election. Presumably, if the health care poll does not concern our leaders, their own personal numbers should. According to Rasmussen, only 32 percent of Americans believe Congress is paying attention to the interest of the citizens. Harry Reid himself has that same 32 percent approval rating from his own state of Nevada.
And so, as Democrats plow ahead, ignoring data and ignoring people, Conservatives are looking forward to November with enthusiasm.
I too, am optimistic, but only cautiously so. A more sobering examination is warranted. I have to wonder why so many of our nation’s shepards aren’t worried about reelection. I could more easily believe that an elephant might fly, than to accept the idea of politicians not caring about remaining in power. The talking point, of course, is that they are putting the good of the people ahead of the polls, but that, of course, makes no sense when those same polls tell us what the people truly want. Oh sure, there may be a handful of senators and congressmen who would rather be a part of history than get reelected, but generally speaking, Washington does not breed this type of animal.
Instead, I wonder what is going on behind closed doors, those same doors Obama promised to keep open through CSPAN about eight different times during his campaign. What was promised? Did he assure his Democratic congress that despite the polls, they would indeed be reelected after all? My readers know I am not into conspiracy theories. I am only asking a question here, but it’s a question that deserves to be asked. We already know what kinds of lucrative deals were offered to the likes of Senator Mary Landrieu and Senator Ben Nelson (with our tax money). If this kind of shameless bribery is out in the open, one can only imagine what remains covered up. Does Obama know something we don’t know? Does he foresee reduced freedom of speech that might stifle the kind of rallies or broadcasts necessary for Conservatives to maintain their momentum?
If this sounds like far-fetched question, I remind you that this is the same president who tried to prohibit news organizations from obtaining information from Fox News. That idea backfired but it showed us how Obama honestly feels about dissenting speech. Meanwhile, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. How about a bill making its way through Congress that would give Obama complete control over the internet?
True, “Internet Czar,” Susan Crawford has resigned, but the bill is still alive. Meanwhile, let’s not forget what Crawford stood for inasmuch as Obama himself appointed her. Crawford (who has ties to both ACORN and the One Web Day Project) says about the internet: “We should do a better job as a nation of making sure fast, affordable broadband is as ubiquitous as electricity, water, snail mail or any other public utility.”
In other words, some of that stimulus package that “helped out the banks and auto industry” will now disburse funds which make the internet more accessible to those who cannot afford to pay for an internet provider. But, as we have already seen, once the government throws their gold coins, they become a partial owner and feel entitled to attach regulations like Christmas lights on a purse string.
By an amazing coincidence, One Web Day Project lists Free Press as a participating organization. Free Press was founded by self-professed Marxist, Robert McChensey (Sheesh! Another Marxist? They’re crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches!) McChensey recently said over a website called, Socialist Project: “Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen, we learned that unless you make significant changes in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have a revolution.”
Concurrently, Obama’s other Czar, Mark Lloyd, wants FCC regulations for “more diversity” on the radio. It’s time to start connecting the dots, people. Once the government runs the internet, they will complain that we do not have enough diversity over the World Wide Web just as we hear too much conservative chit chat over the airwaves. Now, honestly, can you think of anything, and I mean ANYTHING more diverse than the internet right now? Politics run the gambit of blogs like TownHall.com to MoveOn.org. On the web, you can find every conceivable opinion about religion, film, culture, sports, fishing, boating, sex, kitchen patterns, pets, or even 17th Century British embroidery! And we need more diversity? That’s only code for “Diversity which respects different people groups,” which is code for “We must not offend certain people,” which is code for, “It will be against the law to say anything that is not politically correct, or more accurately, put, anything Obama does not want us to say.”
The man doesn’t care about sensitivity or combating offensive words so much as he cares about power. The major newspapers are not enough. Every television news network (except Fox is not enough). PBS (paid for by your tax dollars) is not enough. Our president does not want to be criticized anywhere at all, period! That’s it! And if he has to flush out the last bastion of free speech like a bloodhound on a fox hunt, well, saddle up, Czars! Obama’s proposed laws are designed around diversity the way submarines were designed to explore creeks.
The only speculation here is whether or not Obama and his friends will succeed in their goals. If they smell victory in the winds, they may have had reason to discourage Congress from worrying about November 2010. Of course, considering how much simultaneous legislation is going on both publicly and behind closed doors, he might have promised many other things that we couldn’t even begin to dream about in our wildest nightmares. Bottom line: Since politicians tend to worry about elections, it is not too much of a stretch to figure Obama promised them something.
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