“Only white people can be called racist because only white people have the power to enforce their racism.” This was the indoctrination going on at the University of Delaware through their Resident Assistants, a teaching that makes about as much sense as Braille writing at bank drive through tellers. As a result of several students complaining and as a result of these complaints reaching the media, creating bad publicity and pressure, the president of the university finally abolished this student “diversity” program.
There really isn’t anything new here. We’ve been listening to this dribble for years. “Only white people can be racists because only white people have the power.”
You see, they just make this stuff up as they go. Why do we put up with it? Why do we roll over and play dead for these self righteous, self appointed kings of etiquette? Are we that stupid? Do our guilt buttons get pushed that easily?
“Only white people are racist. A person of color might hate you. He might even hate you just for being white. But you can’t call that racism.”
“Really? Sounds kind of like racism to me.”
“Yeah, well it’s not!”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t get to decide what racism is. We do. Because you have all the power. We don’t.”
“Oh. OK. If you say so. Golly…Gee. I’m ashamed to be white.”
On what authority are they coming up with this tripe? Did they hear it from God? Are there golden laws floating around the universe like alphabet soup? Did they read it in some dictionary with previously agreed to standards of definition? No. They’re making it up. They’re improvising as they go. And they’ll continue to do so just as long as the rest of us are too stupid or too cowardly to say anything.
Well, at least some of these colleges are starting to feel the pressure from people who have had enough. When parents wise up and threaten to stop paying tuition, when they realize that their money is going toward making their children stupider, not smarter, when they realize that some of today’s PhDs got their degrees by sending in three cereal box tops, when alumni also pull their funds, well then, maybe times will finally start to change.
The new media is acting as our spotlight. That’s why so many liberals want to get rid of new media such as Talk Radio. That’s why laws like The Fairness Doctrine are rearing their ugly heads. Oh well. Talk radio may disappear but at least we’ll have Braille drive-ins.