One of my readers asked the following question:
The Bible teaches salvation and ongoing sanctification through grace.
We are taught to be open about our weaknesses and inability to handle this
world on our own….e.g. in the book of James.
I’m humbled and confused when I read about the heroes of the Protestant
Reformation my daughter is learning about. Jan Hus, Tyndale and many others
risked their lives, and many were burned at the stake, for daring to assert the
Word over the Pope.
If God hasn’t given us the courage and boldness today to do what they did, we
don’t need to sweat it right? The reason these men were able to do what they
did was by God’s strength. If God hasn’t given us that strength yet, then we
are “off the hook” right?
In other words, we can’t rejoice in Jesus’ treatment of the repentant thief on
the cross, and then 2 seconds later, expect ourselves to manufacture the
courage to be another Martin Luther or Dietrich Bonhoeffer right?
Another way I could have asked the courage question is whether we can blame God
for our failings…
Imagine if I’m put in a situation where I need to stand up for my faith…..
If I fail, couldn’t I say….”I’m saved by grace and God didn’t give me the
needed courage so it isn’t my fault!”
Dear Chris
Thanks for the honest question and the humility it took to write it. I’m sure all of us at times ponder the future and wonder if we would be able to do the right thing when put to the test. Had Simon Peter given this subject more attention and prayer, he would not have found himself denying Jesus, something he was certain he could never do. On the other hand, after receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter did take courageous stands the rest of his life and ultimately was crucified by Emperor Nero for his Christian faith. Church tradition tells us Peter insisted being crucified upside down, because he considered it too much of an honor to be crucified right side up, like his Lord.
I agree that God must give us the strength. All people get scared. A courageous person is one who admits that he is afraid but does the right thing anyway. Sometimes, that is impossible, apart from God, especially if we are putting our lives on the line.
The Bible does promise that God will never allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to endure (1 Cor 10:13). Therefore, we can assume that people who are called to die or suffer for Christ have been made ready. That is the significant wrinkle in this discussion: If you find yourself in a trying situation, it will mean God has decided you can handle it. The strength to get through and the nurture of His Spirit will be available, whether it immediately seems that way or not.
Hang in there and keep the faith.
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