This is the last time I get suckered into another movie advertised as being “by the producers of Sideways.” Despite its controversial subject matter, Sideways was a great movie. It made original statements about monogamy. In fact, it made original statements about many things. Sideways was hilarious, tragic, true to life and profound all at the same time. Unfortunately the makers of Sideways have been unable to catch lightening twice in the same bottle. The latest attempt is called Smart People.
I was tempted to start this review by writing “There is nothing smart about Smart People“ But that’s the type of cliché’ line we would expect from a movie review and moving away from the cliché’ is exactly what a tired, formula movie like Smart People makes us long for.
Let’s just mercifully overlook the fact that the story was dull, anti-climactic, predictable and filled with good actors portraying uninteresting characters. (Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Thomas Hayden Church, and Ellen Page of Juno fame). My main problem is a moral one. I am tired of Hollywood claiming they have no agenda and still slamming Conservatives at every opportunity. There is nothing wrong with agendas so long as people own up to them. And if Hollywood was willing to portray both sides, showcasing directors with alternate points of view, movies like Smart People might be a little more palatable.
This time, the message was subtly woven into the sub story. Ellen Page co-stared as the daughter of an unhappy literature professor. Early in the movie, we learn that she belongs to the Young Republicans. This serves to explain why the poor, sympathetic, youth is so cold, insensitive and unhappy. She doesn’t know how to party and she only perks up when she learns that dumping old clothes off at the Good Will rewards her with a tax-deductible receipt. One of the movies’ sarcastic lines, directed at Page, says “Hey, maybe there’s a fun Hitler rally going on.”
That was hilarious all right. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Just imagine: Comparing Republicans to Hitler! We’ve never heard that one before! This is the kind of originality and cinematic wonder that might inspire a new Orson Wells someday.
I’m convinced most people don’t even know what a Fascist is anymore. The popular definition seems to be “anyone who wins an argument with a Liberal.”
It is usually after giving a little lecture on how mean spirited Conservatives are, that the Left decides to compare them to Nazis or other Fascists. I wish people would study the real Nazis once in a while, especially their early euthanasia experiments, condoned by Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger. It is Conservatives who speak against Partial Birth Abortion (code for infanticide). It is Conservatives who tried to save the life of Terri Shivo, (ordered starved to death by the courts)
And while we’re on the subject, it is Conservatives who embrace debate and other forms of free speech in the face of Hate Speech Legislation, Fairness Doctrine Legislation and other laws that seek to suppress dialogue. It is Conservatives who get pies thrown in their faces at universities for daring to say something Politically Incorrect. And how about scientists being fired if they even mention the phrase, Intelligent Design? Even those who don’t teach that view are being fired for even mentioning it. This comes from people who call themselves tolerant as quickly as they call Conservatives Fascist.
Be that as it may, I debate Liberals on the merits of their ideas. I do not unplug the dialogue by shouting “Fascist.” Still, if we wanted to take an honest look at the road they are headed down….Well, let’s just put it this way: They should stop using the word Fascist until they have a better understanding of what the title actually means. Once they understand it correctly, they might find it a more likeable word. The word is certainly serving them well right now. They suppress their opponents on the right by using fascist tactics and and the same time, they manage to label the victims of Fascism as Facsists. That is no small accomplishment.
This hypocritical nonsense has been going on for a long time. I have accepted it because there is little choice but to accept it. I can, however, choose to decide what movies to watch. From now on, no more movies by the producers of Sideways. Why pay ten dollars to hear somebody call me names? I can hear that anytime I want for free.
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