The fellow in line ahead of me at the bank kept shouting something to his wife about hurrying up. You see, she was still filling out their deposit slip, but wanting to redeem the time, hubby got in line ahead of the game, figuring that his wife would probably be done by the time some teller called him over.
Well, it didn’t work out that way. The next available teller signaled him and instead of handing the confused looking lady a deposit, he explained that his wife was still filling out the form. He asked her if she could just hold on for a minute. One might have thought that this character would just stand aside and let the next person (me) go ahead of him since I actually wrote out my deposit slip before getting in line. Instead, in his zeal to save himself some time, the gutsy little fellow rudely wasted the time of others in the room.
I’m pretty good about responding properly when situations like this arise. I do not storm out of the room in a huff. I also know it would be wrong to cuss under my breath. Instead, I quietly wonder if this man voted for Obama. I have no original reason to ask such a question, other than the fact that he wasn’t exactly amazing anybody with his sharp mind, or keen intellect, or profound wisdom.
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