People are finally figuring out that a Politically Correct country has to have a Politically Correct religion and our PC religion is Islam. Now it wasn’t always, mind you. It took planes slamming into our buildings to wake us up and make us realize that Islam is a religion of peace and we must have done something horrible to make those poor terrorists act so out of character.
But rest assured, America not only has a Politically Correct religion but many other PC items as well.
Here’s a chance to test your own levels of tolerance and sensitivity. Yes, it’s time to take the Politically Correct Quiz!
1) What is the PC disease?
ANSWER: Aids. Not that conservatives don’t also care about Aids. They do. It’s just that we’re not allowed to care about any other killer MORE than Aids. To care that people also die of cancer and heart disease is to not be quite with it, to not be in step with the times.
2) What is the PC opinion about weather? ANSWER: Global Warming. Haven’t you heard? The debate is over. Anyone who thinks humans are not responsible for Global Warming is especially responsible for Global Warming.
3) What is the PC language?
ANSWER: Anything but English
4) Where are the PC boarders?
ANSWER: Anywhere but America
5) What is the PC view of nature? ANSWER: Anything in nature is more important than people. The warthog and the pinecone come first. As for the deer and the antelope, they bring a tear to my eye.
6) What is the PC view of sex education? ANSWER: Anything can be taught in our schools except abstinence. Abstinence is a religious teaching and therefore violates Civil Liberties.
7) What is the PC view of babies? ANSWER: Their rights kick in only after they’re born. If even a foot is still in the womb they aren’t human yet. Geography defines their humanity. One foot in the womb and the baby becomes personal property which can be destroyed.
8) What is the PC view of evil? ANSWER: Evil doesn’t really exist unless we’re talking about George Bush.
9) What is the PC view of guns? ANSWER: They should be locked in prison.
10) What is the PC view of those who fire guns? ANSWER: They should be let out of prison
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