Remember all the commentary back in 2008 after Pastor Rick Warren interviewed both presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama? Those who favored McCain commented about how direct his answers were when Warren threw out questions such as “Does evil exist?” Those siding with Obama talked about McCain as if he gave overly simplistic answers. They enjoyed pointing out how the ultimate issues of life are often more complex than a childish mind can fathom. They liked the subtle nuances of Obama’s response. That was the badge of a genuine intellectual. In fact, for a while, the word nuance became quite the popular catch phrase.
But discussion about verbal style was not the only phenomenon going on when Obama was running for president. Many of us were concerned about his past voting record and past affiliations. Now that he’s been in office for more than a year, it is the understatement of the century to say that all fears were justified.
Still, while some have woken up, many of the die-hard Obama supporters still display an uncanny inability to deal with their own inconsistencies. In such minds, there can only be one genuine reason why people would object to President Obama: They are racists who cannot handle a black president. Period! End of conversation!
Hmm. What happened to the notion that ultimate issues are “sometimes more complicated and nuanced?” Is this an example of liberal intellectualism? The only quarrel one can possibly have with Obama is his skin color? It can’t have anything to do with his sitting under a hate filled, anti-Semitic, America hating pastor for 20 years? It can’t be the fact that the proud, self-confessed terrorist, Bill Ayers helped to kick off Obama’s political career?
It can’t be Obama’s vote against the Illinois Infant Protection Act, a proposed law to ban infanticide, (not abortion) but infanticide?
It can’t be Obama’s speeches of the past in which he criticized our constitution? How about his promise that the complete government take over of health care leading to a single payer system was a worthy goal that only required patience? He seems to have forgotten that this speech is still on record while he lies through his teeth saying, “Under our new health care system, if you like the insurance you already have, you can keep it.”
And how about the fact that the maniac, Ahamadinnejad is developing a nuclear bomb while our president does not nothing but talk, or the fact that Obama has no problem trying terrorists in our civilian courts, men who already confessed their crimes when they were caught?
What about his speeches around the world apologizing for America, or his take over of banks, or his take over of auto companies, or his intention to take over student loans?
And then there’s the fact that President Obama is a follower of Saul Alinsky, whose book, Rules For Radicals, is proving to be the bible behind current government policy and the inspiration for a whole host of new czars. Yeah, those czars are more fun than a barrel of monkeys! There’s Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes we should have forced abortions, and Regulations Czar, Cass Sunstein, who believes animals should be allowed to sue people. Don’t forget Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings, who upon learning that one of his students had been homosexually molested by an adult, merely advised the student to have safe sex. Oh, I almost forgot Green Czar, Van Jones, an open Communist who was dismissed only after a past speech made its way to You Tube and the Glen Beck program. I wouldn’t want to leave out Diversity Czar, Mark Loyd who wants to regulate both talk radio and the Internet. Translation: This will be the Fairness Doctrine without calling it the Fairness Doctrine. Obama’s plan to censor his critics. Saul Alinsky would be proud. The silencing of the opposition is a perfect example of the ends justifying the means.
Time does not permit me to list every problem with this crooked administration. But I’ll round off my abbreviated list by reminding you that under Obama, we have a Homeland Security adviser who sees as potential terrorists; Pro-Life advocates, veterans, Evangelical Christians, and those who express concern about protecting our borders. Concurrently the real War on Terror his been renamed, Overseas Contingency Operation.
I don’t suppose any of these items are an area of legitimate concern. Nope. Not a chance. If you Object to Obama, it’s only because you do not want a black president. And this response is not to be viewed as overly simplistic, childish, or pea brained. How can it be? These are the same people who claim to appreciate the complexities and subtle nuances of an issue.
The article was originally published by San Diego Rostra: 3-20-10
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