In Big Bear, California, (appropriately named for this news story in kind of an ironic way) we read the following from The Associated Press:
BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. (AP) — The owner of a wild animal training center where a grizzly bear killed a handler says the animal is a “loving, affectionate, friendly, safe bear,” but he is at a loss to explain how a “simple routine” turned tragic
In an emotional phone interview with The Associated Press late Wednesday, Randy Miller said he was overwhelmed with grief at the death of his cousin, Stephan Miller, who was killed Tuesday during the filming of a promotional video at Randy Miller’s Predators in Action center.
I’m sorry for the death of Stephan Miller and I wish only the best for his grieving family. My critique of this story intends no disrespect.
Having said that, didn’t we just go through a similar perplexing discourse when a teenager was killed by a tiger that escaped from his cage at the San Francisco Zoo?
Now, here they are again, the television talking heads, trying to explain how a human being could have been killed by a bear.
Can no one sift beneath the confusion? Can no one uncomplicate this twisted pretzel of a puzzle? Why do things like this happen? How could it have happened to a trainer of all people, a trainer who loves the bear?
Why did this horrific tragedy take place?
Well, folks, be confused no longer. Your Ol’ Pal Bob is going to explain why this bear attacked a human being: BECAUSE HE’S A BEAR!!! THAT’S WHY!!! Bears do those sorts of things. And they don’t worry that their reputations for being “loving affectionate, friendly and safe” will suffer. They don’t lose sleep over their damaged public images.
I can only say that if Jimmy Carter had visited California and had a peace conference with the bear, this tragedy might have been averted.
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