“Bob, you have written a great deal about radical Islam. Do you believe there are peaceful Muslims?”
Yes, of course there are peaceful Muslims. There are many and I have conversed with quite a few of them. I have had warm talks and exchanges with wonderful, loving Muslims.
However, where as every Muslim must be judged on an individual basis, evaluating the Muslim religion itself is quite another matter. The Koran really does call upon Muslims to conquer the world, offering “infidels” the choice of converting or dying (Surah 9).
“But only the terrorists take those words seriously.”
Not so. It is true that the terrorists (sadly) are interpreting the Koran accurately, but many Muslims who do not identify themselves as terrorists still abide by their own book, which makes sense. After all, to them, the Koran is sacred scripture.
“Are you saying there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim?”
Certainly there are many Muslims who call themselves moderate. However, I will answer your question just as carefully as I can. This answer is backed up by my own reading of the Koran. I read the book years ago, long before 9/11. I read it word for word and cover to cover. I have also interviewed experts on Islam for my radio show. Here is the cold, painful truth: There are many nominal Muslims but no moderate Muslims.
What do I mean by nominal? Just as there are people who live in America or Europe who know absolutely nothing about the Bible other than a few choice ideas taken out of context, people who nevertheless call themselves Christians because they were raised with some kind of church background, there are likewise many people born into Muslim countries or raised by Muslim families. If you asked them if they believed in the Koran, they would say, “Yes.” If you asked if they believed in the Jihad, they would deny it and they would be telling the truth!!! There are millions of such people and yes, we can call them peaceful Muslims.
However, any Muslim who takes the Koran seriously and literally, who truly understands the entire message, not only accepts the Jihad commands, he/she is also taught that it is OK to lie during a time of war. The Muslim apologist Nadir Ahmed admitted as much to me over the air. When are Muslims not at war? That is a fair question, a question put to Nadir on the radio. He gave a vague, unsatisfactory answer.
But why not let Mohammad speak for himself?
“Lying is wrong, except in three things; the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him, a lie to an enemy, for war is deception, or a lie to settle trouble between people.” (Hadith, Mussnad Ahmad 6:459).
See the problem? Even the so called “moderate” Muslims are allowed to lie and deny that they believe in the Jihad. This explains how the “moderate” organization CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was caught having ties to terrorist organizations.
Still, many Muslims, both nominal and radical, are turning to Christianity in epic proportions. As Christians we must stress both sides of the gospel. The gospel includes the good news that people can be forgiven of their sin and for that reason, we accept any truly penitent Muslim. But the gospel also delivers people from the effects of sin, which means we must also speak out against evil wherever it is being committed and these days much evil is being perpetrated in the name of Islam.
CONCLUSION: There are many nominal Muslims. But a dedicated Muslim who accepts the Koran literally and truly understands the Koran, is not allowed to be moderate. Nevertheless, Muslims of all varieties are reaching out for Christianity and this is great news.
NOTES: An investigation of CAIR discovered that the organization was founded by Hamas and continues to have ties with both Hamas and Al -Queda. “The Saudi based Islamic Development Bank gave CAIR $250,00 in August 1999….The Institute of Islamic Thought, an institution linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, gave CAIR’s Washington office $1400.00 in 2003.”From CAIR Founded by Islamic Terrorists, by Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha, Frontpage Magazine.com, July 28, 2005
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