So, you have a problem with Christianity? You find Christians to be so heavenly minded, they’re no earthly good? You ask yourself, “What have Christians done for this world besides sit in church and sing? What do they do to make this world a better place?”
Well, a lot, actually. Christians are responsible for the abolition of slavery, Christians are responsible for creating compassionate outreaches to the poor, such as the Rescue Mission, and Martin Luther King’s march on Washington was done in the name of Christianity.
But I’ll tell you something. These days, when Christians reach out too much to help our society, people scream “Separation Between Church and State.” This is especially true with the hot topic of abortion.
Snapshot of where we are as a nation: We can free people in the name of religion. We can de-segregate people in the name of religion. We can feed people in the name of religion. But what we must not do is save the lives of babies in the name of religion.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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