Originally written for Town Hall Blog by Bob Siegel, June 18, 2008
Have you heard the latest buzz about Obama? Now they are saying he may just capture a good deal of the Evangelical vote. Well, let me amend at least part of the news right now. I am an Evangelical and I wouldn’t vote for Obama if they threatened to lock me in a room filled with disco music by day and country music by night. So that’s at least one Evangelical vote he will not be getting. I cannot read the man’s mind so I will not call him evil, but rest assured; evil will happen in our country if he is elected and (at the risk of making the understatement of the century) Christians are not supposed to cooperate with evil.
I am going to try to appeal to my fellow Evangelicals today for several reasons: First, this latest development absolutely depresses me. The fact that people are acting with sincerity and innocence depresses me even more. It is easier to appeal to the conscience of one who knows he is doing wrong, then to convince a group of Christians who think they are doing God’s will.
OK. Enough introductions and disclaimers. Let me give my passionate plea. If I make sense to you, please do me a favor: Send the link to just as many of your friends as you can think of, your friends who want to do right before God and who honestly believe they would be obeying Jesus if they voted for Barrack Obama.
My fellow brothers and sisters: I know that many of you are enamored with Obama, especially the younger generation, those of you in your teens or twenties. There’s an old English saying: “Young adults who aren’t liberal have no heart and middle-aged adults who aren’t conservative have no brain.” I am not trying to be insulting, only honest. As people get older, things begin to change and they begin to see life differently. They get more concerned about our public schools because their kindergarten age kids come home and say, “My teacher said it’s Ok for boys to marry boys.” As a philosophy, none of that stuff sounded so bad in college. When it hits your own children, you will feel differently, mark my words! As people get older, they also see how much money the government is grabbing from their paychecks, money they worked hard for. And finally, the longer we have been alive, the more experiences we have. Eventually we encounter such unfiltered evil, we realize that all the peace marches in the world and all the negotiations on the globe will not make the evil go away.
I do sympathize with where you are coming from. You are compassionate and you serve a God who wants you to be even more compassionate. I’m glad you are so loving. Your intentions are pure. But please listen carefully: It is crucial that compassion not be misplaced. Misplaced compassion is deadly. Misplaced compassion destroys lives!
To hear Obama talk, one would think that all he wants to do is reach out to the poor and the disenfranchised. He wants healthcare for all and free ice cream for the kiddies.This certainly sounds compatible to the lifestyle of Jesus. So what brings me to the conclusion that following Obama would do nothing of the kind, would not at all spread God’s kingdom and would instead, actually reverse the cause?
First of all, Obama is a liberal Christian. I am not talking about his politics right now. The fact that he is the most liberal person in the Senate has been obvious for quite some time. But there is a different definition of liberal, referring to one with liberal theology. Most of the news about Obama’s church has focused upon his hateful, controversial pastor. Although that should certainly be enough to give us pause, we usually hear very little about the church itself, Trinity United, its beliefs and the beliefs of the organization it belongs to, The World Council of Churches. A few months ago, I wrote a blog explaining the beliefs of the World Council of Churches and the history of the liberal/fundamentalist split within Christendom. I also quoted some of Obama’s own “Christian” comments and explained how liberal Christians read the Bible. Instead of repeating myself, I have put a link to that blog below. Please read it when you are done with this article, because it includes crucial information being left out of my present discourse. At the moment, just for the sake of continuity, you should understand that Obama belongs to a church which does not believe the entire Bible is inspired by God. The “Jesus” he follows does not claim to be the only means to salvation. His Jesus accepts abortion and his Jesus also accepts gay marriage. You may have your own opinion of those issues, but they are irrelevant right now. If you claim to be a follower of Jesus, you must adhere to His views or you are not truly following Him. Sorry to make it so simple, but the Bible itself makes it just exactly that simple and if we can’t trust the Bible’s record of Jesus’ teachings, we have no other record and we would have to ask ourselves what we really mean when we claim to adhere to the commands of Jesus.
Obama’s Christian foundation is as broken as a demagnetized compass and that makes him a guide headed the wrong direction. Oh sure! It may sound Christian to say that the rich must pay their fair share of taxes. But do you realize that rich people already pay 90 percent of our American taxes? Do you realize that our economy is better with less taxes, that lower taxes create more jobs and and therefore even more revenue for the government? It also empowers churches and other charity groups to help the poor without all the government bureaucracy which eats up most of the money. Even so, is it Christian for a government to literally steal money that hard working people earned themselves? Yes, the Bible does talk about voluntary redistribution of wealth, but are you going to endorse mandatory redistribution of wealth? What is your Biblical basis for that?
It also sounds Christian to sit down with enemy leaders and talk to them. But are you aware that Iranian leader, Ahamadinnejad denies the holocaust? Are you aware that while he issues this denial, he also promises to wipe out every Jew in Israel? Is it Christian to sit down and offer appeasement to a man like that?
It sounds Christian to believe in a woman’s right to chose. But does that right extend to baby women? Are you aware that Obama supports partial birth abortion? Are you further aware that this procedure is not really abortion, but infanticide? A baby at full term is taken three quarters out of the womb, only to have its brains drilled out! This is a baby who could have been adopted. There are more loving parents on adoption waiting lists than babies to go around because the babies are being murdered! Nobody is telling the mother she has to keep her baby. Would Jesus have compassion for children? Do you remember some of His warnings about those who would harm children? He said it would be better for them if a millstone was tied around their necks and they were thrown into the sea. While we’re on the subject of Obama’s Christianity and his beliefs about abortion: When Mary was pregnant with Jesus, was it her right to chose whether or not to carry the baby?
It may sound Christian to support the California Supreme Court’s recent ruling about gay marriage but are you aware that this court overturned the will of the California people? 61 percent of them oppose gay marriage. Putting the issue of homosexuality aside, is it Christian to accept Democracy or a dictatorship? Obama praised the Supreme Court’s decision.
One more thing: I’m sure you love your own pastors and churches. Do you want to see your pastors arrested for refusing to perform gay marriages? This can happen, now that gay marriage is legal and in some places the law is already clamping down with civil suits.
My friends, my Christian family: Please…I implore you! Something is wrong with this kind of Christianity! It does not even remotely resemble the Christianity in the Bible. The Bible warns us not to be taken in by charm or charisma or strong personality. I know people are making stupid comments about Obama, calling him the Anti-Christ, etc. For what it’s worth, I do not believe he is the Anti-Christ but I will say this: The real Anti-Christ, when he comes, will be embraced by people who are thinking from their hearts and not from their heads, who claim to be following God but who are not really reading His word. In other words, whoever Obama is, he is being followed for the same reasons that people of the future will follow the Anti-Christ! I’m not even blaming Obama. I would have a problem with anyone who is being followed blindly, even a politician that I liked a little better.
Yes, be compassionate. But know this: If you elect Obama, babies will die in the name of compassion, Jew hating dictators will be enabled in the name of compassion, money will be stolen from hard working people in the name of compassion, our Democracy will turn into a judicial tyranny in the name of compassion and pastors will be forced to compromise their convictions at the threat of jail in the name of compassion. I have studied the Bible and the teachings of Jesus since the year 1977. I assure you, the real Jesus has nothing to do with this rock star type phenomenon, this wolf in sheep’s clothing, this army hidden inside what looks like a Trojan Horse gift. But don’t take my word for it. I, myself, have no desire to be blindly followed. Study, ponder, and think about it! All I ask, is that while you are thinking, allow your heart to cooperate with your brain.
May the real Lord Jesus bless us and deliever us from the precarious condition of our nation and may those who think they are serving God, get to know His word a little better so that they can read and understand what the real God truly has to say.
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