“Does God have a sense of humor?”
He does, actually. Even before going to scripture, that would be a logical inference. Certainly human beings cannot do anything God can’t do. That includes the ability to laugh and the ability to say humorous things.
And look at nature! Can you just imagine the fun God must have had assembling a monkey? How about a parrot? The other day in the news, a lost parrot was discovered and returned because the parrot actually had his address memorized! I would have been on the floor listening to that screechy voice give out directions.
If nature is one witness, the Bible is another. Jesus often said things that were quite humorous although we sometimes miss it because we are so unfamiliar with the culture He spoke to. When Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10), it was a loaded statement. A needle in those days, was a portal into a city. It was with difficulty that a man got his horse or donkey into the portal, but it was next to impossible with a camel. Camels were considered mean little cusses. A stubborn camel was known to spit on his master while being dragged or pushed into a needle.
In Genesis 18, God visits Abraham and tells him that his wife Sarah will bare a son even though she was in her seventies. Sarah laughs at the very prospect. One year later, she does have a son, and they name him Isaac, meaning, “God laughed.” God got the last laugh on Sarah.
Conclusion: A sense of humor is important. Doctors for years have pointed out the medicinal benefits of laughter. Knowing that God has a sense of humor makes God more approachable. It also makes His love for us easier to accept.
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