The debate over Intelligent Design is not going to be settled anytime soon. Although I am convinced that nature does point to some kind of intelligent design, others are not so convinced. This is fine. People are entitled to their opinions. Let the debate continue.
Which leads us to the real problem today: Many do not want a debate. For some reason, they feel classrooms are meant for one view and one view only. Debates threaten them. Not that they’ll admit to being threatened. Instead, they will say the subject of God is a religious subject, appropriate for church but not a science class. Supposedly, “God” is all about blind faith.
I believe people are missing the point. If God exists (and I did say if) then He is a REAL entity and He is involved with the rest of reality. He, and the universe He created, constitute reality. Isn’t science supposed to be studying reality? The purpose of science is not to merely repeat facts, but to also search for facts. If not for this search, if not for theories being put forth and defended or challenged, we would have no scientific data at all. If some scientists see evidence for a creator and they feel they can defend this evidence through empirical data, rather than blind faith, why should they be denied opportunity to do so? I’ll tell you why. People are assuming from that onset that God does not exist and of course, there is no way they can be certain of this as an actual established fact. If they were less arrogant, if they were less sure of their unchecked position, if they were more open, then the question of God would be a legitimate, scientific question. In other words, if they could lay aside their faith, we could have a real discussion.
People love to talk about the days when Evolution was a forbidden subject in our Puritanistic, old fashioned, narrow minded schools. Well, who is being narrow minded now?
I say, let the debate go on. If proponents of Intelligent Design are really so foolish, they should be easy to disprove. Why do people feel they need to resort to censorship, the very tactics they renounced when Evolution was forbidden?
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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