“Mom, brace your self. I know this is going to be hard for you to believe. But Jane is still alive. Honestly, she is.! Her spirit exists and I actually talked to her!”
It was late at night. I had returned home from an evening with my friends. Never had my mother looked so startled and never would she have expected such words to come out of my mouth. Jane was my twenty one year old sister and she ‘d recently died in a car accident after having been disowned my Dad who never got along with her and who finally kicked her out of the house for good.
Now, I was telling my Mom that Jane’s ghost was alive, my Mom who had raised me as an atheist. Not only had I grown up without God, I didn’t believe in anything supernatural at all. In fact, I was a cocky arrogant, High School Senior and the only reason I accidentally stumbled into this bizarre sounding experience is because I was at a wild drama cast party. I heard that a few people were messing around with a Ouija Board upstairs and I went up there with a few wise cracking buddies to laugh at these naïve, gullible idiots who believed in fairy tales. When the evening was over, none of us were laughing anymore. We saw some things we couldn’t explain. Through the Ouija board and later on through an actual séance we communicated with a spirit who claimed to be Jane. This spirit said things about our family that were private, that nobody outside our family could have possibly known. The spirit said she was the guardian angel of our family but only “Mother’s side.” She was acknowledging her bad relationship with my Dad. One woman even got possessed at the séance, turned to my brother and cried out “Paul, be good. Paul be good” This was something Jane used to say to Paul.all the time.
A few years later I became a Christian. I renounced this occult activity because I learned that I had not in fact talked to my sister Jane, but rather a demon who was impersonating her in the hopes of getting me obsessed with the supernatural. Such obsession could have eventually led to demon possession. But ironically, seeing the supernatural, (even the evil deceptive supernatural) convinced me that there must be some kind of God. By God’s grace, I ended up with Jesus Christ and I want to warn everybody that Satan has a thousand masks, a thousand exciting, warm and fuzzy experiences. He wants to keep you from the miraculous work of the real God in your life and he knows that the best place to hide a tree is in a forest. But we must not be fooled. His path is the path of destruction. Any supernatural power apart from Jesus comes from Satan. It may look good and feel good. But the source is evil.
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