A recent comment on my blog, responded to my plea for Republicans to not divide themselves with a third party candidate, should Rudy Giuliani get the nomination. I warned that sometimes we must choose between the lesser of two evils and that a pro-choice Republican would be better than Hillary. I said that the lesser of two evils was at least better than the greater of two evils.
The commentator suggested that Christians should not be so pragmatic, but that we should instead trust God and get the most ideal man for the job even if we think this man cannot win.
Here’s my response: Unless we want to make the case that it is sinful to be involved with a democracy in the first place, we must admit that in a democracy, where Christians and unbelievers alike are living under the same government and are involved in the same political process, there will never be a completely idyllic situation. That will happen only when we live under a theocracy. That will happen only after the second coming of Christ.
There are no pure political candidates who walk with God one hundred percent because none of us walk with God one hundred percent. Therefore, the only way to use a compromised process is through pragmatism.
Incidentally, this commentator asked me where the Bible says we should be pragmatic. My answer: The book of Proverbs.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious