Originally published: November 24, 2007
Where is NOW when we need them? The National Organization of Women was no where on the horizon in the days following Time Magazine’s report about the cruel way women are treated in Saudi Arabia. In fact, this story by far trumps ANYTHING that was ever legally unfavorable to women at ANY TIME in America’s history.
A recent appellate court ruling from a 2005 case was the subject matter. In 2005, a Saudi woman was gang raped by seven Saudi men. The men were given sentences from ten months to five years in prison. Not to leave anyone out, the woman was also sentenced. That’s right, a rape victim was sentenced. The penalty? Ninety lashes with a whip! The stated violation? She disobeyed Sharia law by being in the company of a male and this is not allowed unless that man is a close relative.
Now there was one bit of good news: Her case was appealed and the rapists got a stiffer sentence: ten years in prison. Unfortunately, the woman’s sentence was also increased to two -hundred lashes and a six month prison term. Gee, that was time well spent in the appellate court.
And so goes the latest news from the religion of peace. Why aren’t American feminists flooding the media with outrage over this barbaric return to ancient chauvinism? Could it be that speaking against Islam makes them appear to be taking the side of their mortal enemy George Bush? Could it be that Islam has become a Politically Correct religion and therefore is excused from basic human decency? True, some will admit that this story is a serious problem as several from the left did immediately following 9/ll. At that time they went on to say that it’s a problem with radical religion in general of which Islam is only one example and Christianity is the greatest culprit. You see, even when Christians are innocent, they’re guilty.
In all fairness to Saudi Arabia, they aren’t the only country that has stupid agendas which cloud moral thinking. In another rape related incident, Mayra Nieves, manager on Radio 1190 AM, KMLY a Spanish language radio station, accused the Phoenix, Arizona police department of being racist because they publicly described a suspect they were looking for and they called this suspect, a Hispanic. This description evidently, was “profiling”
I’ll just bet my bottom dollar that if the police had described the suspect as a blond haired Swede, no one would say a word.
This is the problem when agendas become more important than right or wrong. I believe rape is the very worst thing that can happen to a human being. If it isn’t worse than murder it’s at least a photo finish. You would think that when such a horrible thing has happened, the Politically Correct piles of concern would be put back out in the pasture where they belong.
NOTE: Please listen to my interesting interview with Phyllis Chesler, author of The Death of Feminism. A second wave feminist, this woman has gotten much flack from peer feminists for speaking out against Islam’s treatment of women. Located in Radio Guests section.
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