I believe there are peaceful Muslims in the world. I really do. I’m not just saying that as obligatory, Politically Correct drivel. I have met and conversed at length with many peaceful Muslims.
But I’m also convinced that many of the so-called moderate Muslims, especially the media spokespeople, are not nearly as benign as they let on.
You won’t find a Muslim on radio or TV who embraces terrorism. They all renounce terrorism categorically. But I have found that one very simple question reveals how these people truly feel. I’m talking about the Israeli-Palestinian situation.
Only recently, Muslim apologist, Nadir Ahmed was a guest on my radio show. He renounced terrorism right at the beginning of the interview. When I asked him how he felt about Jimmy Carter encouraging Israel to make deals with Hamas, the terrorist organization elected into office by the Palestinians, I then heard a much different kind of answer. Mr. Ahmed explained that we do not have good options today in the Middle East. He also went on to say that the Israelis were every bit as much terrorists as Hamas.
This kind of moral equivalency argument serves as a Freudian slip of sorts. If one sees no difference between assassinating terrorists or bombing terrorist strong holds, and some thug strapping on a bomb, blowing up a bus that includes innocent women and children, if one can excuse the Palestinians for putting a terrorist government into play, indeed, if one can forget that the PLO and their gangster founder Yasser Arafat basically invented terrorism as we know it today, then this person in my opinion is not really renouncing terrorism.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious obvious.
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