August 27, 2007
The Associated Press took a survey this week to see who reads more, the Liberal or the Conservative. And in this survey, it was discovered that liberals read an average of 8 books a year while conservatives only read 7 books a year.
Hmm…Very revealing. Well I guess that would explain the problem then. Evidently the reason liberals have such stupid ideas is that they’re reading too many stupid books. I mean honestly! Assuming this is an accurate survey, assuming these are real books people are talking about, assuming they aren’t counting websites like as a book, .assuming they aren’t counting comic books, or the Bazooka Joe strip from bubble gum wrappers, and assuming they’re not talking about reading a map on the back of a Captain Crunch box or reading the recipe from a Betty Crocker cake mix…So what? What difference does it make how many books you read? What matters is the content of the books. For all we know, the liberals could be reading Horton Hatches an Egg. In Nazi Germany Mein Kamp was a best seller.
It doesn’t make a hill of beans of difference how many books you’ve read. Who wrote the books? What points did the books make? Were these points backed up with actual facts? Those are the only relevant questions.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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