July 13, 2007
I believe most homosexuals just want to be left alone. I believe we can feel sympathy for their plight without condoning the lifestyle. As a pastor I have counseled many gay people and I do not believe that today’s activists are truly speaking for all gay people.
Still, I must say this: How I feel about homosexuals as struggling individuals and how I feel about the militant gay movement are too completely different feelings.
It is important to compartmentalize such feelings with hot potatoes as sensitive and politically charged as sexual preference. In one case, there is a call for sympathy, mercy and tenderness. In the other arena, there is a feeling of legitimate anger.
For example: This little story (first reported by the Associated Press) that reared its head in June and won’t go away: A certain Linda Carlson is suing EHarmony.com claiming that the popular dating service “discriminates against gays, lesbians and bisexuals.” Carlson when on to say “Such outright discrimination is hurtful and disappointing.”
Is this what it’s come too? Now we can’t even have a dating service without the gay activists getting in our faces?
Back in the seventies, the original gay agenda, (at least, the stated agenda) was “Hey, what we do in the bedroom is our own business.”
You’re right. It’s your business. It’s none of our business That’s fine. So why make it our business? Gay people can’t find dates without imposing on E Marhmony? Aren’t there gay dating services? Should they be sued for not offering heterosexual choices?
I don’t buy it any more. I don’t believe we are really being told that it isn’t our business. On the contrary, I believe we are being commanded to make it our business.
Why the objection to “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” in the military if it’s none of our business? Why the seminars in our public schools even to primary grades if it’s none of our business?
Let’s be honest: The real militant gay agenda is to someday make it against the law to say that homosexuality is wrong. Oh they’re smart enough to chip away at it one inch at a time because they know what a stupid country we have become and what a naïve people we have become, but make no mistake: The instigation of Thought Police is the true agenda. As a matter of fact, that agenda was shamelessly written by Marshal Kirk and Hunger Madsen, as a manifesto back in the late1980’s. It was called, “After The Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Hatred of Gays in the 1990’s.”
“Our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof…through repeated infra logical emotional conditioning, the person’s beliefs can be altered whether he is conscious of the attack or not. Indeed, the more he is distracted by even specious, surface arguments, the less conscious he will be of the true nature of the process. In short, jamming succeeds insofar as it inserts even the slightest doubt and shame into the previously held unalloyed beliefs regarding heterosexuality and homosexuality” (pg 152-153 )
Catching on? This manifesto was an open, strategic agenda to launch a patient and consistent legal and media campaign whose goal was to silence anti-homosexual speech.
But calling someone a “homophobe” or “ hate filled” does not go far enough today. After achieving the goals of guilt and “greater sensitivity”, the militant gays are trying their hand at actual speech legislation. Such legislation has already passed in Canada. Now they’re trying to jam it through in the Unites States under the guise of Hate Crime Since violent crimes are already crimes, judging motives such as “hate” really makes Hate Crime Law, Hate Speech Law. Saying that you love the homosexual but simply disapprove of his actions isn’t enough. You will still be branded as hateful And this in the name of tolerance. Christians and other conservatives must be tolerant of the opinion that homosexuality is natural. Of course, homosexuals need not be tolerant of the fact that we might have another point of view.
It’s not just about dating services. It’s not just about allowing gay marriage. If I thought for a moment that such victories would satisfy the activists, I would not be concerned. But they will never be satisfied. Groups that were once persecuted tend to treat others the way they were previously treated after they obtain power, because (as the old saying goes) “Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.” Just watch, soon it won’t be about homosexuals and heterosexuals being equal. We will instead learn that being homosexual is more natural, more normal and just downright healthier for society all the way around.
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