Thursday, July 05, 2007
Ahmadinejad keeps shooting off his mouth about Israel. While liberals defend him and tell us we should get to know him, the man himself tells us exactly what he plans to do. Now mind you, he distorts the facts and lies about why he plans to do these things, but his intentions and future actions are spoken with painful, precision accuracy.
While commenting on Israe,l Ahma the Great said, “God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime.”
How do you like this joker? He says the Holocaust never happened but he wants to wipe out every Jew in Israel. Notice how people who deny the first Holocaust are generally enthusiastic about starting a modern one?
Well, I guess I should take a Christian attitude. And in that spirit, I do want to apologize for calling Ahmadinejad a joker. As a Christian, I know it’s wrong to call people names, unless, of course, I’m speaking accurately and truthfully.
So… Accurately? Truthfully? Honestly? The man is a lying, two faced, murdering thug with delusions of deity even though he claims to represent some other God who tells him to conquer the entire world.
I know. I know. You don’t have to tell me. That was too soft: I forgot to call him a snake, with scorpion blood blended in.
And let me throw in this as well: The difficult doctrine of hell seems much more palatable when I imagine men like Ahmadinejad checking in to hell. For him, Hell will be like one of those Roach Motels. Remember the Roach Motel? “Roaches check in, but they don’t check out.”
Oh wait. I forgot. Ahmadinejad smiled when Mike Wallace interviewed him. I keep forgetting: Men who smile can’t possibly be evil. At least that’s what many talk radio callers said after the interview.
Hmm. Let me analyze this: “A man who smiles must be a nice man.”
Is that the way it goes? Or maybe it goes like this: “People who decide right from wrong by seeing if a person smiles can’t possibly be intelligent.”
Am I crazy? I think the second one made more sense.
Calling Achmadinejad a joker is not truthful because honestly, it’s not a joke. It’s a nightmare. We’re back in the 1930’s and Chamberlain is challenging us to sit down and get to know Hitler, because maybe it’s our own fault that Hitler wants to conquer the world. Maybe Hitler’s mother never bought him a sled. Maybe young Adolph was made to feel intimidated as an art student in Vienna . Poor Adolph. It must have been so difficult hearing the constructive criticism of his art professors trying as nicely as they could to tell him that his paintings stunk.
“ Adolph, my boy, perhaps you should have a trade to fall back on; something like canning plumbs or maybe becoming a dictator.”
Yes, when we think of Hitler we think of a genuine comparison to Ahamadinnejad. The man is certainly a new Hitler.
Unfortunately, the fashionable rhetoric today is to compare George Bush to Hitler. Yeah, I get Bush and Hitler confused all the time. George Bush is a Hitler because he wants to fight a bunch of fascists?
Please don’t tell me the Islamo extremists aren’t Fascists. They want to conquer the world and murder anyone who won’t convert to their religion. If they aren’t Fascists, Rosie O’Donell is planning to marry Elizabeth Hassellbeck.
“Bush is like Hitler.”
Sure he is. I guess Franklin Roosevelt was also like Hitler because he didn’t have enough imagination to embrace German expansion.
Let’s add it all up: People who want to murder Jews are not to be compared to Hitler. People who want to stop the next holocaust? They are the new Hitlers. That would be positively brilliant if we were living in the Bizarro world.
As for our real world, it has gone quite insane. Oh well. Be of good cheer! We’ll wise up eventually. After all, the world wised up to Hitler. They even had a name for the wisdom: World War Two. Of course it might have been nice if they’d risen to the occasion a little earlier before all the havoc he wreaked. Today we are faced with exactly the same choice: We can wise up now or we can wise up later. What will the difference be? Millions of lives at least. Possibly billions of lives.
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