Script by Bob Siegel
Based on characters created by Pat and Sandy Roy
A children’s show, done in the style of the old-fashioned radio programs, Jonathan Park seeks to share the gospel and educate people in the Creation/Evolution controversy. The premise is kind of a cross between The Hardy Boys and Indiana Jones. The title character, Jonathan Park, is a boy who has a vertebrate paleontologist for a dad. In each episode, Jonathan and his friends get involved with an adventure based upon some scientific or archaeological find. Although the series is fiction, the facts discussed in the series are genuine and study notes are made available to the audience by request.
The episode Bob Siegel wrote is based upon a real artifact currently on display in the British Museum called The Adam and Eve Cylinder Seal. This carving from the ancient civilization of Nineveh depicts a man and a woman standing on two sides of a fruit tree. Behind the woman is a serpent in an upright position and the woman (at the apparent prompting of the serpent) is picking a piece of fruit. Although the Adam and Eve narrative of Genesis comes to us from ancient Israel, the explanation of our fall into sin is universal and we should therefore expect other ancient cultures to have some kind of similar record. This seems to be just exactly what we find in The Adam and Eve Cylinder Seal.
Other themes are also explored in The Clue From Nineveh, such as forgiveness and the controversy of teaching Creation in a public school.
More Information On This Episode
Bob’s episode and many other episodes of Jonathan Park, have become quite popular. Not only is this series being heard on radio stations across the country, but it is also played in Canada, England, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, the British West Indies, the Dutch Caribbean, and Honduras.
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