Book, Music and Lyrics by Bob Siegel and Paul Russell
Additional music: some old rock favorites
Description: A musical comedy, singing about Greek mythology with lyrics set to popular fifties/sixties tunes
Mt. Olympus High is having a reunion. Everyone is there including:
The Big Zeus Daddy, dressed like Elvis and singing just the same; Hera, his jealous wife who hates his flirtations with other goddesses, Neptune the surfer dude, and Bacchus, the god of celebration who hosts the party and expresses concern about the fact that people don’t seem to pray to the Olympian gods anymore. Instead they serve some deity known as “the one true God”. Bacchus’ fears become more crystallized when he happens to notice a janitor named Paul mingling with the guests. Could this be the same Paul who preached in the city of Athens, telling people to turn away from the immoral gods of Mt. Olympus?