A new threat has found its way to the University-a white supremacist group demands free speech rights on campus. While opposing them, Chancellor Matthew Mullin risks everything he stands for and comes face to face with a dragon he has never seen before, the racism in his own heart. The Last Windmill is a satirical and very serious look at the issues which characterize today’s college campuses; from racism to abortion to humanism to political correctness, this is an important play for anyone interested in reaching contemporary American culture with the love of Jesus Christ.
CAST: Seven men; one woman
RUNNING TIME: two hours
Audience responses:
“Well written production. The fusion of as many personal subject matters as abortion, inter-racial marriage, white supremacy, family relationships, college campus life, etc., must have been an extremely difficult task. The result, however deserves a standing ovation. Again, beautifully written.”
“The play was beautifully written and performed. Good job of intertwining the various issues. It had real depth, humor and was very thought provoking. We enjoyed it.”
“Very timely play facing many of today’s problems. Thank you for your in depth presentation.”
“Really enjoyed the play. Very thought provoking.”
“Congratulations on a wonderful, powerful message and deliverance.”
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