Mark Winter is a magazine reporter apathetic to religion. His few church visits found services so boring that “the Holy Spirit was asleep on the back pew.” Such indifference comes to a sharp halt when Mark decides to study a cult called New Zion, founded by a young pastor named Jeremiah. Each step of Mark’s investigation unravels mind control and dictatorial reign over misled souls who think they have discovered the “true church and its true prophet.” One such soul is Leslie, whom Mark has fallen in love with. Through the story of a fictitious organization, THE SAND CASTLE provides a shocking education which would apply to any genuine cult, but its broader theme evaluates the danger of putting too much faith in spiritual role model rather than God himself.
CAST: five men two women
RUNNING TIME: two and a half hours
Audience Responses:
“The best play I’ve ever seen.”
-UC San Diego