Pandora’s Child takes place in America’s future. Laws have changed, but the society reminds us very much of our own culture. One significant difference is that there are now two trials in the courts, the first to determine guilt or innocence of the offense itself; the latter to determine whether or not a proper motivation excuses the action. Emile Hutton, having already been tried and convicted once for the murder of her one-month old infant is facing her second trial, attempting to validate her motives with the same arguments used for abortion. The prosecutor builds upon a premise which becomes the underlying theme of the play-the idea of a universal intuitive sense of morality which comes from God. The play is designed to graphically portray the horror of humanistic philosophy when such a philosophy is applied in real life situations and pushed to its bitter end.
Cast: eight characters. Some may be played by either male or female.
Running time: One hour and fifteen minutes