The Bob Siegel Show is a weekly call in radio talk show. Bob and his guests discuss religion and its relationship to politics and popular culture. The Bob Siegel Show airs every Sunday from 6:00pm-7:00pm PT. (1170 AM, 96.1 FM) Listen to shows live online at The ANSWER
“Smartest man in San Diego! Bob has the ability to take listeners with him in reviewing the “Big” issues of life, with the tools of intelligence and genuine humility. If you’ve not heard him before, it’s safe to say he’s the Best talker you don’t yet know.”
-Jim Sills, San Diego Rostra 07/31/2011
“Bob Siegel is an exceptional apologist, thinker, debater, radio talk show host and writer.”
-Jim Garlow, Pastor of Skyline Church, author of the best seller, Cracking the DaVinci Code.
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